Introduction to the concept

„The 'Orangery of Personality’ is a metaphor that helps to understand the diversity of students’ personalities and the importance of teachers being able to recognize and appreciate them. Just as in an orangery, where different species of plants have varying requirements and needs, students with different personalities require different approaches and teaching methods.

The goal of the 'Orangery of Personality’ is to provide teachers with tools that will help them better understand their students and adapt their teaching methods to the students’ individual needs. As a result, students will be more engaged, motivated, and inclined to develop their skills.”

Within this 'Orangery,’ several key areas of development are nurtured:

Effective Communication:

Enhancing communication skills through alternative and augmentative methods such as Mówik and Eyetracker, which give a voice to those who need it, and utilizing DIY techniques in communication.

Personal Resources:

Identifying and strengthening students’ personal resources by working with the „Sok” framework (Strengths, Opportunities, Knowledge), creating a CV as a personal passport to success, and building an E-Portfolio, which serves as a gallery of achievements.

Stimulation of Mindfulness, Focus, and Motivation:

Applying techniques like biofeedback and mindfulness training, which help students develop concentration and internal motivation by fostering control over their body and mind.

As part of the „Orangery of Personality,” a skills catalog and a corresponding communication development program have been created. This program is specifically designed for students in a special vocational school who have moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, as well as for students with multiple disabilities. The aim is to support the development of communication skills and to tailor teaching methods to the unique needs of these students, helping them express themselves more fully and communicate more effectively with those around them.